Best Point + Shoot Camera for Travel
As we all start to return to travel – near and far, there are some important questions. While how to pack hats is imperative, you might also be wondering about a new camera. Phones are FANTASTIC these days, but sometimes you want more. So here’s what I consider to be the best point and shoot camera.
When I first started blogging, my boyfriend (now husband) and I used a small point and shoot camera to take the photos. I knew absolutely nothing about photography, editing, framing, color – you name it! About six months later, I bought the starter kit for my first DSLR camera and never looked back.
I bought and rented fancier and pricier lenses as needed. DSLR cameras were what you needed for great photos. In the past year or so, I’ve had a few conversations about point and shoot cameras with blogger and photographer friends. I love my DSLR, but it isn’t small and it isn’t discreet.
Picking the Best Point and Shoot Camera
Before our trip to Africa, I decided I needed to research point and shoot cameras. So, I walked into the camera store and asked. My husband and I looked at and compared quite a few cameras. Finally it came down to a Canon Powershot vs. this Panasonic Lumix-LX10.
The Panasonic cost a few hundred dollars less. The only difference from my perspective was that it didn’t have a viewer – you look at the screen to take photos). One of the women working at the store courteously butted in to tell us that she thought the Panasonic was definitely the best point and shoot camera, especially considering the price.
So we bought it. I spent the next few weeks getting used to using it in place of my DSLR for on-the-go stuff. And then I took it to Zimbabwe and South Africa to really put it to the test…
Photography Specs for Panasonic Lumix-LX10
For those of you that speak ‘photography’ – the Panasonic Lumix-LX10 has a f/1.4-2.8, 4K video, automatic and manual setting options, and a flip up screen for selfie mode (and over the top shots). If that’s not enough, it also has post-shot focusing and an extended ISO! And, yes, it fits in your pocket!
Best Point and Shoot Camera
For those of you who don’t speak ‘photography’ (much like myself), here are all the great things about the Panasonic Lumix-LX10 and why I think it’s the best point and shoot camera for people who just want to take good photos (i.e. set it to automatic and snap quality photos).
Lens Quality
The lens quality is so great that the detail is phenomenal – close up and far away. I included photos below from my trip. Each of these photos has been saved at a much lower file size. In other words, the original images have even more clarity – it’s mind-blowing! You can literally count the hairs on that giraffe!
Automatic Settings
The automatic settings are amazing. When I’m on the go, I set my camera to automatic, no flash since lighting and surroundings change constantly.
I don’t want to miss a shot because I’m trying to figure out the lighting. And when you’re on safari, elephants and zebra don’t care if you have the shot yet or not! I had the camera set to automatic for our entire trip and it never let me down!
Post-Shot Focusing
Post -shot focusing. This means that once you select this setting, you can take photos and then tell it where you want it to focus. You don’t waste time trying to get it set. It’s so cool and great for those quick moments, especially when animals or kiddos are involved!
4K Video
4K Video. I don’t know what that means scientifically speaking, but it basically means wonderful video quality. And awesomely, if you’re in a still-photo setting, you can just hit the red record button and it’ll starting recording. No need to change settings on the dial!
Flip Up Screen
Flip Up Screen. If you want to take a selfie or shoot a video of yourself, you can flip the screen up to make sure you’re framed properly. I love this feature for trying to take photos from above my head.
It’s perfect for food and all sorts of travel. Knowing that I got the whole dish or the whole animal in the photo is fantastic and saves a lot of time and energy!
It fits in your pocket. This seems silly when you have your camera phone, but this point and shoot camera produces photos leaps and bounds better than your phone. And yet, it fits in your back pocket. Or slides into your purse. Or whatever. If you currently have a DSLR, you’ll love how small and sleek this guy is!
Now to decide where to go? I took this point and shoot camera to Southern Africa. You can go anywhere with it! So get to exploring and start finding off your beaten track places. Start with where is Dubai and see where your travels take you!