Which Wipes are Not Flushable?

This post is sponsored by the Responsible Flushing Association. Which Wipes are Really Flushable?

Are Flushable Wipes Really Flushable?

Are we talking about flushing and wipes today? Yes, yes we are! I’m all about ways to make sustainable living = real life living, and I love myself some good recycling knowledge, but do you know what’s just as important? Proper disposal of pretty much everything. So let’s get to some important issues such as which wipes aren’t really flushable? because it’s a pretty serious issue.

Are Flushable Wipes Really Flushable-Luci Wiping Hands with Baby Wipe

A little backstory. Did you know that more than 90% of all wipes (baby wipes, face wipes, cleaning wipes, etc.) are non-flushable. Yep. And a 2022 survey by the Responsible Flushing Alliance (RFA), even found that 60% of Californians admitted to flushing something they knew wasn’t flushable in the previous year!

And do you know who the biggest offenders are? Parents of young kids and men under 45! Eek.

While recycling basics might be complicated at times, it’s never been easier to know how to properly dispose of your wipes…

Which wipes aren’t Flushable?

Because the vast majority of wipes aren’t designed to be flushed, it’s good practice to check the packaging!

To know whether your wipe (whatever type) is flushable or belongs in the trash bin, just look for the handy DO NOT FLUSH symbol on the package (fabulously clear with a person holding something over a toilet with a line through it)! If you see that symbol, then you MUST throw it in the trash.

You may have heard me talk about wishcycling (putting an item in recycling hoping it’s recyclable), so along that lovely line of thinking – don’t be a “wishflusher!”

Don't Flush Symbol

What Does Flushing Non-Flushable Wipes Do?

So why are we concerned about your flushing habits when it comes to sustainable living? A few reasons.

One. For your own sanity and happiness, flushing wipes (think disinfectant wipes, baby wipes, makeup wipes, etc.) can easily clog pipes when they get caught in small spaces or get mixed up with fats and greases in the pipes. This can be annoying and unhygienic, not to mention costly. I assume you, like me, would rather spend your money on great clean beauty or beautiful shoes than plumbing. Just a hunch.

Two. Even if the clog doesn’t happen in your home, it can harm local wastewater infrastructure (yes, still your problem).

Three. If pipes burst or there are sewage spills/overflows, guess what – there’s environmental damage. Animals, farms, and your drinking water can be affected. Eww!

What about compostable or biodegradable wipes?

As someone who doesn’t use a lot of wipes, I had to do some research at the store. It turns out, there are a lot of compostable and biodegradable wipes out there. Very cool…but still not flushable. Compostable, biodegradable, and flushable are far from synonymous, so even if they’re more eco-friendly wipes, still look for the DO NOT FLUSH symbol.

Just a little sidenote, paper towels are just as bad, so don’t flush them down the toilet. Better yet, try to ditch them altogether with these paper towel alternatives!

Now I love limiting trash, but what belongs in the trash, belongs in the trash, so play it safe and put your wipes in the right place. Don’t flush them down the toilet. Learn more from the Responsible Flushing Alliance (RFA) at flushsmart.org!

This post is sponsored by the Responsible Flushing Association. Thank you for supporting all Luci’s Morsels collaborations.

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