Natural Fall Decor

Natural Fall Decor - Red & Orange Mum Flowers

If you know or follow any Californians, you’re probably well aware that the weather is anything but fall like, but we’re yearning for it badly. Hence why we’re all sharing ideas for natural fall decor for our homes – anything to make it a reality.

Just like my discoveries of natural winter decor, easy outdoor table decor in summer, and even my homemade air freshener experiments, these fall decor ideas are easy, straightforward, and embracing what the season naturally gives us.

Green Apples in Bowl - Natural Fall Decor

The best part about these home decor ideas is that you don’t really have to worry about storing them after the season is done and oftentimes items are free (and in your yard) or support local farms and businesses!

While I’m researching natural Halloween ideas, I do actually love that these fall decor additions can go up in September and then stay up through Thanksgiving!

Full disclosure, dehydrated citrus can actually stay up well into the new year! Talk about convenient!

Natural Fall Decor

Since fall lends itself to rustic vibes, this is a great season to ‘spruce’ up your home with whatever you have on hand – mason jars over fancy vases, DIY crafts over perfection, etc.

I’ve also found that any array of fall recipes also helps your senses with the fall mood!

So let’s get to some examples – many of which I’ve already placed around our home.

Small Pumpkins on Shelf - Natural Fall Decor

The first easy one is pumpkins and squash.

Sugar pumpkins are the kind you can bake and make into good pumpkin puree for baking.

Knucklehead Pumpkins on Porch - Natural Fall Decor

And there are the carving kind and then a whole slew of other options including the bumpy pumpkins (also known as knucklehead pumpkins)!

When it comes to pumpkins, try to find local farmers and markets who are selling squash and pumpkins, so start there!

People in your area might also be growing them, so ask around.


Delicious recipes to enjoy FALL & WINTER produce to its fullest. Simple and delicious recipes made from scratch for your family and your guests THROUGHOUT THE COOLER MONTHS!


And if you wait until after Halloween, you can get a bargain on all kinds of pumpkins.

If you keep these pumpkins away from any heat or water, they’ll last for months – just keep an eye on their undersides.

Check out my pumpkin succulent front porch decor!

Fall Candle without Pumpkin Spice

And if we’re really getting natural, and easy, leaves are a great way to decorate. You can place them outside near your pumpkins or in jars or bowls in the house.

Just remember to keep them dry and a gentle brush to get off any dust or bugs would be a good idea.

My most favorite decor this year might be green apples in my acacia bowl, however! But full disclosure, we’re eating these so quickly, this one will have to be replenished regularly!

Orange and Red Mum Flowers

You don’t think of flowers when it comes to fall decor, but they’re a natural option (dried flower decor is another idea)! Dried greenery and even wheat (pictured below) are fun.

You can also look for muted or bolder hues of flowers to place around your home.

The one natural fall decor idea I haven’t gotten to yet is dried orange slices. Oranges aren’t quite falling from trees yet here, so I’ll have to wait on this one, but when the times comes, I’ll be ready!

Dried Wheat on Shelf - Natural Fall Decor
Apples in Basket on Blue Flannel Blanket

Fall Apple Decor

These cute fall apple decor ideas deserve their own section down here. Apples are actually a very sturdy fruit. As long as it isn’t too hot or too moist in your home, then they’re a wonderful way to decorate.

Mix up the types of apples or just switch up the container and you have multiple ways to display as well as to change it up between get-togethers.

As you can see, everything from baskets to serving bowls, and even produce storage bags are a fun way to showcase the beautiful bounty of the season.

As long as you keep an eye out for brown spots, these should last weeks (if you don’t eat them beforehand)!

Persimmon Decor & Other Fall Produce

Persimmons are one of my favorite fall items and they’re often overlooked or disliked by many. Though they don’t have as long of a shelf life as the pumpkins, pomegranates, and apples, they are a beautiful pop of color for natural fall decor!

You can even do a combination of pumpkins and persimmon like this photo. Place the persimmons on top so the pumpin don’t squash any softening fruit.(click on a photo above to enlarge)

flint corn and mini pumpkins for fall
DIY fall harvest basket - - natural fall decor idea

Photography by Sacramento Photographer Val Leddy and Food Photographer Lori Rice

More Fall Goodness

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